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  • Applications will be accepted from members of the International Rescue and Emergency Care Association, their spouse or children. The member must have been a member in good standing for at least one full year prior to the application cut off date.

  • Applications for scholarships will be limited to those persons who are pursuing further education in a medical related field, such as Medical Doctor, Dentist, Nurse, including, but not limited to, such specialty fields as Chiropractic, Podiatrist, X-ray Technician, Dental Technician, and Paramedic.

  • Applications will be submitted in a form as directed by the committee and be submitted prior to the specified cut off period. Application not meeting the requirement or received (postmarked) after the cut off date will not be considered.

  • The recipient of any award will be notified in writing of the Scholarship amount awarded. All other participants will be notified in writing of their applications status.

  • The recipient’s acceptance of the scholarship constitutes permission to use their name and photograph in any publicity or promotional activities which related to their award or the activities of the Association.

  • Applications received with significant errors, prior to the cut off date, may be returned for correction. Such application must be returned prior to the cutoff date to be reconsidered.

  • The decisions of the Scholarship Committee are final.

  • The Committee reserves the right to change the size and number of scholarships awarded each year. The application is due no later than two weeks prior to the annual conference in June. Award will be made in conjunction with the Annual Conference. The applicant need not attend the conference to receive this award, however if they are attending they will be honored during the awards banquet.

Contributions to the Sol and Charlotte Ziedman Scholarship Fund

Each year the association presents scholarship awards from the Sol and Charlotte Ziedman Scholarship Fund administered by the Past Presidents. Funding for the Scholarship Fund depends on generous donations.


There is no limit to the amount donated.


Any donations are greatly appreciated.



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